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3 Bridges Illuminated by Philips Lighting Which Are a Visual Treat

The LED lighting of an Architectural Marvel: The Meydan Bridge
Connecting the Meydan hotel to the main road, its undulating wave form and striking construction makes it a beautiful bridge. In order to enhance the prominence of this route and to produce an architectural landmark in the city, it was decided that the bridge should be illuminated. The solution was Philips Color Kinetics eColor Graze Powercore LED grazing fixtures, in royal blue. eColor Graze Powercore produced the requested shade of blue light while providing a maintenance-free and energy-efficient solution. The 2 ft (610 mm) fixtures perfectly matched the undulations of the bridge, making it easy to install in time for the Dubai World Cup.The Nhat Tan Bridge Shimmers with Architectural Lighting
Keeping in mind with the energy efficient and attractive LED system the Nhat Tan Bridge located in Hanoi, Vietnam has been illuminated by Philips colour Kinetics which can create 16.7 million colours. The architectural lighting illuminated the cables and the five spans and is also responsible for cutting the cost of maintenance and operation.China’s Binhe Yellow River Bridge Sparkles with LED Lighting
Binhe Yellow River Bridge in Yinchuan, China has been illuminated by Philips Lighting’s architectural LED lighting. Philips Lighting Colour Kinetics technology provides the lighting effects and can change up to 16.7 million colours. The technology used by Philips gives flexibility along with beautiful lighting effects. During the night, a water curtain is illuminated in rainbow colours which give the impression of a waterfall running beneath the bridge.

Sol by GE: A beautiful and Dynamic Lamp

The newly launched Sol is a neat-looking LED lamp from GE which is roughly the diameter of a basketball at 13 inches wide.

The main features of this beautiful looking lamp are:
• It consists of two rings of light: an exterior ring for the LED lamp and an interior ring for the familiar blue glow that indicates Alexa is listening.
• The interior ring works just like the ring of light on the top of the Amazon Echo – it lights up whenever you say “Alexa” and glows red whenever you have her on mute.
• It also lets Alexa offer visual indicators.
• GE offers a pair of lights that you can turn on to indicate the time (red for the hour, blue for the minute), along with a shrinking ring of light that shows you how much time is left on any timers you’ve asked Alexa to set.
• To get started, you plug the Sol in and sync with it using the C by GE app on your Android or iOS device. From there, you pair the lamp with your Wi-Fi network and enter your Amazon login credentials to enable Alexa.
• The Sol works just like you’d expect from an Alexa device, and aside from calling other Alexa users, it can do anything the Amazon Echo can do. That includes music streaming and news briefings, making shopping lists and telling bad jokes. You also get access to Alexa’s ever-growing library of “skills,” a free collection of extra tricks

you can enable that now number well over 20,000.

Keyword: GE, LED lamp

3 Weird & Unique Applications of LED Lights

Let us unravel 3 unique applications of LED:

LED Sky Light

This is a specialty product of Coelux. Multiple LED sources are hidden with light guide optics which eventually simulates the day light scenes. A planar solid-state lighting (SSL) luminaire looks like a skylight, but it is based on multiple channels of hidden LED sources along with light-guide optics to simulate outdoor lighting scenes. The product successfully transmits its clientele into an atmosphere of comfort and well being. The delicious food along with the great sunny theme brings in the sensation of unending space.

LED Eye Lashes

Fashion trends are ever changing. The newest and one of the most bizarre is introduction of LED lashes. This innovative and taking the world by storm LED lashes has been invented by designer TIEN PHAM. The pretty glowing lashes are named ‘F. Lashes’. The lashes change their colors and are becoming a great hit with fashion bloggers and chic models. They are controlled by a controller which is attached to almost invisible wire. The controller is held together at the back of your head by hair clips. The light or the glow of the lashes is also comfortable and not blinding hence it is easily wearable. One can also fail to realize if they are switched on or off as they are that easy and comfortable to carry on.

Sunshine In a Bottle

Anyone who remembers catching fireflies in a jar as a child and marveling at their glow can appreciate Consol’s delightful Sunshine in a Bottle lamp. Sold in South Africa, where sunlight is abundant, the glass bottle can be left out all day to collect the sun’s rays via a solar panel in the lid, and can then illuminate the night using a little LED. In addition to being a nostalgic object, this light provides an alternative for people without access to an electrical grid, who would have previously had to use dangerous kerosene to light their lamps at night.

Why Solar & LED Lights Are the Perfect Combinations for the Future

Why Solar & LED Lights Are the Perfect Combinations for the Future!

The current scenario demands for renewable sources of energy. With considerable population growth, it is imperative that alternate mode of energy are being adopted to fulfill the surge in demand. Otherwise, we will soon be the reason for the exhaustion of the non-renewable sources of energy. LED lighting has been playing the perfect part in reducing energy consumption. And with the combination and use of “Solar LED lights” the world would definitely turn better and greener!

Let us find how Solar and LED lights are the perfect combinations:

  • Solar LED Lights produce bright light which renders night driving safer on the highways by providing better visibility. Solar LED Street Light comes with a standard CRI of 66.
  • Solar light is a better source of energy than the nonrenewable options. The LED light is more efficient when compared to a sodium lamp.
  • Cost-effective, Environment-friendly, do not emit carbon dioxide and cause pollution, offer better visibility and have a lesser maintenance cost.
  • Solar LED Lights are safe because there are no dangling wires as well as have an increased efficiency.

In conclusion, we can infer that the combination of a solar LED light is beneficial and hence a perfect combination because of these endless benefits.

Keywords: Solar LED lights, Solar LED